
This application aims to track the trending topics of the internet and suggest relevant stocks, whether those stocks are good buys or good sells are up to the users discretion.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This application aims to track the trending topics of the internet and suggest relevant stocks, whether those stocks are good buys or good sells are up to the users discretion.

The following folder contains Project 1 of the fulltime UofT School of Continuing Studies Full Stack Developer September cohort, created and submitted by Aar, Amar, Filip and Shams.

The technologies used in this project were HTML, CSS along with the materialize library, and JavaScript

Contents of this folder are:

  1. This README.me file.
  2. The "index.html" file and it's associated "assets" folder, along with presentation files.
  3. These files are all hosted on a Github, repository and the deployed project can be accessed directly at "https://filipalh.github.io/StockOfTheTalk/" on a browser.
  4. The Github repo for the Project is available at "https://github.com/FilipAlH/StockOfTheTalk"

Website Mockup:

asdsadads asdasdasdasdasd

to contact the collaborators please use email: dev@aarkaiser.com filip.a.11@hotmail.com

You do not need to read this README to access this project.