This is a Python program for converting MP4 video files to MP3 audio files. It uses the tkinter and moviepy libraries and has a simple GUI interface.

Primary LanguagePython


Simple program with GUI that converts MP4 to MP3.


  1. Start MP4TOMP3
  2. Choose MP4
  3. Click "Convert to MP3"

Converted file will be in the directory of original file.


Windows 10 or macOS Monterey with Python 3 installed.

Python Packages

  • certifi==2021.10.8
  • charset-normalizer==2.0.9
  • decorator==4.4.2
  • idna==3.3
  • imageio==2.13.3
  • imageio-ffmpeg==0.4.5
  • moviepy==1.0.3
  • numpy==1.21.4
  • Pillow==8.4.0
  • proglog==0.1.9
  • requests==2.26.0
  • tqdm==4.62.3
  • urllib3==1.26.7
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt