
This is a Python program for spamming messages using the PyAutoGUI library. The user is prompted to provide a start button, a stop button, and a file containing the messages to be spammed. The program continuously listens for the start button to be pressed, and if it is, it reads the messages from the file and starts spamming them.

Primary LanguagePython


Select .txt file you want to send to someone line by line. MessageSpammer will automatically write it and click enter in selected textbox.


pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Run the script
  2. Input button you want to start spamming with
  3. Input button you want to stop spamming with
  4. Input file you want to spam with
  5. Click/select textbox in which you want to write file selected above line by line
  6. Click selected previously start button
  7. If you want to stop spamming click stop button