
Taking Notes a note taking app written in REACT and GRAPHQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Taking Notes


This is a note taking application. Implemented features are

  • Create a note
  • Edit and save notes
  • Delete notes

All notes are being persited in a database.


The application consist of a React application and a GraphQL backend API. The API is needed for the application to run, so make sure the API is up before starting the frontend application. This repo includes a node express webserver that can be used for servering the app once it is built. See below for instructions on how to start the application.

Dependencies (major)

List of major libraries and tools:

How to use


The fastest way to get the app and API up and running is using Docker. Both images are pushed to docker hub.


There is a docker-compose.yaml file in this repository that can be used to start both services:

Clone the repository:

git clone git@github.com:FilipStenbeck/note-app.git

From within the project folder:

docker-compose up

Point your favorite browser to http://localhost:3000. The database has a few notes prepoulated, so there is something to look at the first time the application is started.


Install and run in the app in development mode:

yarn dev

Important The app requires that the backend API is up and running to work. Before starting make sure that the API is up.


For convinience, all needed environment variables is commited in a .env file (I would not do that in a real project)


The following environment variables is used in the application


There are som test included, to run test:

yarn test


Below is the details on how to build and run the application in production mode


To make a production optimized build:

yarn build


To run the application using the production ready build and serve it using the included node.js express server.

yarn start

When running the application with yarn start the ENVIRONMENT variables are set to default values.


Build a docker image from the Dockerfile included. To start both the app and the needed api. First make sure you have built both docker images. Instruction on how to build the docker for the API

The following command can be used to create a docker image of the app:

yarn docker:build

Once both docker images are built, start both the app and api by running:

docker-compose up

When running the application with docker-compose the ENVIRONMENT variables are picked up from the .env file