
An exploration of some basic tooling to look into Windows Sysmon logs looking for common attack signatures

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An exploration of some basic tooling to look into Windows Sysmon logs looking for common attack signatures

Security Log Analysis Tool for Windows Sysmon Logs

In today's complex and ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape, organizations are faced with the challenge of proactively monitoring and responding to potential security threats. The increased sophistication of cyberattacks demands advanced tools and techniques to detect and mitigate security breaches. In this context, the project aims to develop a comprehensive cybersecurity tool that focuses on obtaining and analyzing Sysmon logs from Windows systems. Sysmon logs are a valuable source of information, providing insights into system activities and potential indicators of compromise.

Statement of Intent:

The goal of this project is to create a robust and user-friendly cybersecurity tool that empowers security professionals to efficiently gather, parse, and analyze Sysmon logs in Windows environments. The tool will aid in identifying suspicious or malicious activities, allowing organizations to strengthen their cybersecurity posture and respond effectively to potential threats. This project will be completed in three stages, each building upon the previous one to achieve a fully functional and refined tool.


First Iteration: Basic Functionality

Develop a command-line tool using the Cobra framework.
Implement the ability to obtain Sysmon logs from the Windows event log.
Allow users to specify keywords as command-line arguments for log analysis.
Present the matching log entries in a simple format.
Ensure compatibility with common Windows systems.

Second Iteration: Enhanced Analysis and Output

Refine the log parsing algorithm to improve accuracy and performance.
Implement error handling to gracefully handle unexpected scenarios.
Provide better formatting for timestamp and log message.
Enhance the output presentation for improved readability.
Introduce basic unit tests to ensure core functionality.

Third Iteration: User Experience and Customization

Develop a user-friendly CLI interface with clear instructions and prompts.
Implement interactive mode for dynamically inputting keywords and options.
Allow users to customize output formats, such as JSON or CSV.
Enhance keyword matching logic to support advanced search patterns.
Incorporate logging and exception tracking for better troubleshooting.

Through these iterative stages, the project aims to provide a valuable tool for security practitioners to effectively gather and analyze Sysmon logs, thereby strengthening their ability to detect and respond to potential security threats. The final product will not only serve as a powerful cybersecurity tool but also contribute to improving overall cybersecurity practices and risk management within organizations.