Postman External Require

Use Node packages not bundled into Postman's sandbox.

1. Setup on local machine

Clone this repo.

npm i

node cli.js

Or just

npm install --global postman-helper


2. Setup in Postman

If you want to jump right into it, import this prebuilt collection and create a global variable called require with value uniq,slapdash,pad-left:

Read on for getting this working with your own existing collection..

Add the following script to the Pre-Request Script of your collection:

const reqs = pm.globals.get('require');
const pkgs = pm.globals.get('packages');
const installed = pm.globals.get('installedPackages');

if (pkgs && (reqs === installed)) {
} else {
        url: `localhost:3000/search-packages?packages=${reqs}`,
        method: 'GET'
    }, (err, res) => {
        if (!err) {
            pm.globals.set('installedPackages', reqs);
            pm.globals.set('packages', res.text());

Create a global variable in Postman called require. Provide a comma separated listed of packages you need e.g. uniq,slapdash,pad-left.

require your packages in the usual way from within folder/request scripts!

3. Login as User (Sample for Stone Banking)

POST http://localhost:3000/user-login

    "username" : "{{Document}}",
    "password" : "{{Password}}",
    "url": "{{BaseUrl}}/api/v1/discovery/keys",
    "scope": "stone_subject_id",
    "client_id": ""