
Bash Powerline Command Prompt

Primary LanguageShell

Simple Bash Powerline

This is a short guide to create a Bash Powerline based on existing online resources.


This Bash Powerline:

  • displays the Git status in the command prompt, including information on the active branch and the presence of un-staged files, un-committed files and un-pushed commits;
  • displays the active Python Virtual Environment;
  • automatically activate a Python Virtual Environment when cd'ing into a path that contains a folder with the same name of the virtual environment.


Download the following files into your home folder:

  • The official Git Command Prompt script.

    curl -o $HOME/.git-prompt.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/git/git/master/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh
  • The script to auto-activate a virtual environment — credits to Harry Marr.

    curl -o $HOME/.auto-virtualenv.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FilippoBovo/bash_powerline/master/auto-virtualenv.sh
  • The Virtual Environment Command Prompt script — adapted from ivanalejandro0 and Daniel Harding's script.

    curl -o $HOME/.virtualenv-prompt.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FilippoBovo/bash_powerline/master/virtualenv-prompt.sh

Add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc file if you are using Linux or to your ~/.bash_profile if you are using Mac OS.

source $HOME/.git-prompt.sh
export GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM="auto"

source $HOME/.auto-virtualenv.sh
source $HOME/.virtualenv-prompt.sh

export COL_BASE=$(tput setab 4)$(tput setaf 0)  # Base Colour
export COL_VENV=$(tput setab 3)$(tput setaf 0)  # Virtual Environment Colour
export COL_GIT=$(tput setab 2)$(tput setaf 0)  # Git Colour
export COL_RESET=$(tput sgr0)  # Colour Reset

export PS1='\[$COL_BASE\] \u@\h: \W $(virtualenv_info "\[$COL_VENV\] %s ")$(__git_ps1 "\[$COL_GIT\] %s ")❯❯❯\[$COL_RESET\] '

Finally, restart the terminal.


The colour configuration used in the above script leads to the colours in the Gif above if coupled with the Solarized Dark colour theme for iTerm2.

If you are using another theme, you can look for a colour configuraton that matches your theme by changing the number after tput setab in the script above according to this guide.


To uninstall this Bash Powerline, simply remove the script snippet added to the ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile files during the installation, and remove the downloaded files.

rm $HOME/.git-prompt.sh $HOME/.auto-virtualenv.sh $HOME/.virtualenv-prompt.sh

Finally, restart the terminal.