
Several implementations of the kernel-based activation functions

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Kernel Activation Functions

This repository contains several implementations of the kernel activation functions (KAFs) described in the following preprint (link to the arXiv page):

Scardapane, S., Van Vaerenbergh, S., Totaro, S. and Uncini, A., 2017. Kafnets: kernel-based 
non-parametric activation functions for neural networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.04035.

Available implementations

We currently provide the following implementations:

  • PyTorch: KAF and 2D-KAF, both for feedforward and convolutional networks.
  • TensorFlow: KAF and 2D-KAF, both for feedforward and convolutional networks.
  • Autograd: KAF and 2D-KAF, only for feedforward networks.

More information for each implementation is given in the corresponding folder. The code should be relatively easy to plug-in in other architectures or projects.

What is a KAF?

Most neural networks work by interleaving linear projections and simple (fixed) activation functions, like the ReLU function:

A KAF is instead a non-parametric activation function defined as a one-dimensional kernel approximator:


  • The dictionary of the kernel elements is fixed by sampling the x-axis with a uniform step around 0.
  • The user can select the kernel function (Gaussian in our implementation) and the number of kernel elements D.
  • The linear coefficients are adapted independently at every neuron via standard back-propagation.

A two-dimensional KAF is defined similarly, but it can nonlinearly combine two different activation values. See the original paper for more details and some experimental results.


If you have an implementation for a different framework, or an enhanced version of the current code, feel free to contribute to the repository. For any issues related to the code you can use the issue tracker from GitHub.


If you use this code or a derivative thereof in your research, we would appreciate a citation to the original paper:

	title={Kafnets: kernel-based non-parametric activation functions for neural networks},
	author={Scardapane, Simone and Van Vaerenbergh, Steven and Totaro, Simone and Uncini, Aurelio},
	journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.04035},


The code is released under the MIT License. See the attached LICENSE file.