
Assignment 01 for the "Programmazione concorrente e distribuita" course

Primary LanguageJava

PCD Assignment 01


The purpose of the assignment is to create a simulator for the movement of N bodies on a two-dimensional plane, which are subjected to two types of forces:

  • A repulsive force, whereby every body bi exerts on every other body bj a force in module equal to Fij = krep * mi / (dij)^2 where:
    • mi is the mass of the body bi
    • krep is a given constant
    • dij is the distance between the two bodies.

The direction of the force is given by the unit vector (bj - bi), therefore it repels the body bj.

  • A frictional force, whereby on every body bi moving at a speed vi a force FRi = - kfri * vi is exerted which opposes the motion, therefore in the opposite direction to its speed, where kfri is a given constant.

Development tools

  1. Intellij IDEA
  2. Java Path Finder
  3. Java 8 is needed to run JPF
  4. If you do not want to install Java 8 you can use this Docker image

Instructions to run project with Java Path Finder

Create JPF file

Create a file with .jpf extension with the following structure:

target = com.example.MainClassName

classpath = path/to/build/main

listener = gov.nasa.jpf.listener.PreciseRaceDetector

report.console.property_violation = error,trace

Run your program with JPF

  1. Open terminal
  2. cd into project root (directory with project name), Note: THIS POINT IS MANDATORY
  3. If using Docker, start the container with following command:
docker run -v "$(pwd)":/home -it gianlucaaguzzi/pcd-jpf:latest /bin/bash

jump to step 4 otherwise

  1. Run your program with JPF using following command:
java -jar ./path/to/RunJPF.jar  ./path/to/file.jpf

if using Docker:

java -jar $JPF ./your/path/to/file.jpf

otherwise, if you do not have JPF file, you can specify the classpath directly in the command:

java -jar path/to/RunJPF.jar +classpath=./path/to/bin/main package.className