
Bounty for widget tree scanning in Flutter

Primary LanguageDart

Widget Tree Reader - Bounty Claimed 🎉

Bounty hosted by Ticket Stacker

The price for this bounty is $100 and the requirements are as follows.


The code to be written will be apart of a pub dev package that will scan the widget tree and emmit details of specific widget types.

The code is already setup and wrapped with the widget_watcher.dart which is the widget where you will scan the widget tree.

Since this code will be apart of the package, you cannot modify the UI to complete this task.

Technical Overview

In widget_watcher.dart is where you'll find the widget that you can use to scan the widget tree.

This widget should traverse the widget tree and add all the widgets that:

  1. Are tappable
  2. You can input text in
  3. You can scroll in

We have a model called WidgetDescription which is what needs to be populated

What Is Allowed

  • The use of any package (including testing packages) to traverse the widget tree

Run the code

  1. Run flutter pub get
  2. Run flutter run and make sure you have an emulator/simulator open

Expected Results

  • 7 Widgets are found on the first view
  • The last 2 should only be found when "Get Started" is tapped
  • When you navigate to the next view (enter any valid email and password) it should find 1 tappable widget on that screen