
Computer Algebra System for Symbolic Functional Manipulation

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


Lifecycle: experimental CRAN status

symbolic is an R package designed to provide symbolic algebra capabilities natively in R using R functions.

It is highly experimental and dependent on external contributors to be a fully fledged Computer Algebra System (CAS). It will be developed to the extent needed for my upstream packages, specifically distributional which requires many symbolic algebra tools not yet readily available in R. Currently powered by yacas via Ryacas.


You can install the development version of symbolic like so:



Prepare a function for symbolic transformations with as_symbolic().

#> Attaching package: 'symbolic'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#>     integrate
.f <- function(x, y) log(x + 1 + y)
#> function(x, y) log(x + 1 + y)
.f_sym <- as_symbolic(.f)
#> {x, y}: log(x + 1 + y)

Internally, we use yacas for all the hard work.

.f_yac <- symbolic:::as_yacas(.f)
#> y: Ln(x+y+1)
#> {x, y}: log(x + y + 1)

Typical base functions for math have symbolic methods which return functions.

solve(.f_sym, y, "x")
#> {y}: exp(y) - 1 - y
deriv(.f_sym, "x")
#> {x, y}: 1/(x + y + 1)
integrate(.f_sym, "x")
#> {x, y}: (x + y + 1) * log(x + y + 1) - (x + y + 1)