

Lockup some wsOHM, with a supplied epoch deadline (vestingTerm), and you'll be minted an NFT who's holder can claim your accrued interest from staking until the end of vesting.

function deposit(
    address depositor,
    uint amount, 
    uint vestingTerm
) external;


Allows an NFT's minter to cancel the contract, release their funds, and burn the NFT.

Note: Depositor/Minter must be holding the minted NFT

function withdraw(
    uint tokenId
) external;


Allows the holder of a given token to redeem any interest that's been acrued from the depositor's collateral.

Note: If vesting is over, the NFT's burned and payout is nothing. Depositor also has the right to call this function.

function redeem( 
    uint tokenId
) external;

🤨 How it all works

High Level Contract Interactions