
Clamo API shim for the App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Line drawing of a clam

Note that bivalve is deprecated and the intention is to remove Clamo-like functionality.

Bivalve CircleCI

Clamo API shim for the App. Takes content from Elastic Search and outputs it in clamo-engine format.

Getting it running

Create a .env file in this directory with AWS_ACCESS_KEY=... and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=... entries with next-es access. Then:

npm install
npm start


Create a Pull Request, get it reviewed, merge to master, Heroku deploys automatically.

Key rotation

Heroku is configured with AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables, which are unmanaged! To rotate the keys, generate a new Security credential in IAM in the AWS InfraProd account for the "arn:aws:iam::027104099916:user/aws-composer-custom-bivalve-BivalveFastFTProxyUser-CW784PJSFZ2X" user, and update the environment variables in Heroku.


Bivalve is type-checked with Flow. It's installed with the rest of the development dependencies, and won't let you commit unless the type checks pass. For more immediate feedback, it's best to install a Flow plugin for the editor of your choice. Follow the guide in n-flow-ft-content.