
GPT Computer Assistant

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gpt-4o for windows, macos and ubuntu
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Made_with_python . pypi_downloads

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GPT Computer Assistant

Hi, this is an alternative work for providing ChatGPT MacOS app to Windows and Linux. In this way this is a fresh and stable work. You can easily install as Python library for this time but we will prepare a pipeline for providing native install scripts (.exe).

Powered by Upsonic Tiger 🐅 A function hub for llm agents.

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Assistant Installation and Run

Needed >= Python 3.9

pip3 install gpt-computer-assistant

Agent Infrastructure | NEW

With this way you can create crewai agents and using it into gpt-computer-assistant gui and tools.

pip3 install gpt-computer-assistant[agentic]
from gpt_computer_assistant import Agent, start

manager = Agent(
  role='Project Manager',
  goal='understands project needs and assist coder',
  backstory="""You're a manager at a large company.""",

coder = Agent(
  role='Senior Python Coder',
  goal='writing python scripts and copying to clipboard',
  backstory="""You're a python developer at a large company.""",


Adding Custom Tools | NEW

Now you are able to add custom tools that run in the agentic infra and assistant procceses.

from gpt_computer_assistant import Tool, start

def sum_tool(first_number: int, second_number: int) -> str:
    """Useful for when you need to sum two numbers together."""
    return first_number + second_number





Use cases

Take Meeting Notes Daily Assistant
Read Docs Coding Assistant


Feature Status Target Release
Clear Chat History Completed Q2 2024
Long Audios Support (Split 20mb) Completed Q2 2024
Text Inputs Completed Q2 2024
Just Text Mode (Mute Speech) Completed Q2 2024
Added profiles (Different Chats) Completed Q2 2024
More Feedback About Assistant Status Completed Q2 2024
Local Model Vision and Text (With Ollama, and vision models) Completed Q2 2024
Our Customizable Agent Infrastructure Completed Q2 2024
Supporting Groq Models Completed Q2 2024
Adding Custom Tools Completed Q2 2024
Native Applications, exe, dmg, appimage Planned Q2 2024
New UI Planned Q2 2024
DeepFace Integration (Facial Recognition) Planned Q2 2024


At this time we have many infrastructure elements. We just aim to provide whole things that already in ChatGPT app.

Capability Description
Screen Read OK
Microphone OK
System Audio OK
Memory OK
Open and Close App OK
Open a URL OK
Clipboard OK
Search Engines OK
Writing and running Python OK
Writing and running SH OK
Using your Telegram Account OK
Knowledge Management OK
