<<<<<<< HEAD #bookmark_manager
Title of project
Bookmarker Manager Challenge - the aim of this project is to generate code to address 4 user stories.
The authors of this project are Elaine Finn, Russell Vaughan and Marco Bagnasco @ Makers Academy (Jan 2016 cohort).
This project requires:
Rspec is installed by following the content in this link: https://github.com/rspec/rspec-rails
This Battle Challenge repo is cloned from: https://github.com/makersacademy/course.git
The module has no menu or modifiable settings. There is no configuration.
Project Directories
IRB demo of app
Code status
#User Story 1 - showing a list of links #######################################
As a Makers Student So that I can easily find information I want to see a list of links on a homepage
#User Story 2 - showing a list of links #######################################
As a Makers Student So that I can easily find information I want to see a list of links in chronological order
#User Story 3 - adding new links ################################
As a Makers Student So that I can easily increase my store of information I want to add new links to the homepage
#User Story 4 - adding tags ###########################
As a Makers Student So that I can easily categorise information I want to add tags to the links in my bookmark manager
#User Story 5 - filtering links ###############################
As a Makers Student So that I can easily search information I want to filter links by tag in my bookmark manager
Domain Model ############
Nouns = links, tag, database ==> classes
Verbs = see/show, add, filter ==> methods
As a user So I can find websites I like I want to be able to see a list of my favorite links on the homepage
As a User So that I can find recent links fast I want to be able to see my list in descending order
As a User So I can add new websites I like I want to be able to save a websites address and title to my list
As a User So that I can organise my list effectively I want to be able to tag my links
As a User So that I can see my lists organized I want to be able to filter my links by tag:wq