
Benchmark scripts for comparing tutorials in PyTorch and JAX

Primary LanguagePython

Benchmarking UvA Deep Learning Tutorials

Benchmark scripts for comparing the UvA Deep Learning Tutorials in PyTorch and JAX. The scripts are reduced versions of the tutorials, and save the runtimes of each model in a logging file in the logs/ directory.


The scripts have been executed with PyTorch v1.11 and JAX v0.3.13. To fully reproduce the environment, you can use the provided conda environment file environment.yml. Additionally, for JAX, CUDA 11.7 and cuDNN 8.4 have to be installed. Other CUDA version above 11.3 are expected to work similarly.

Running benchmarks

To run all benchmarks, simply run bash eval_all.sh. Afterwards, you can find the evaluated runtimes in the logs/ folder.

Benchmark times

We report the runtimes for all models on an NVIDIA RTX3090 GPU with 24-core CPU. The times are averaged over two runs, which commonly have a standard deviation of <5%.

Tutorial 5: Inception, ResNet and DenseNet

Models PyTorch JAX
GoogleNet 53min 50sec 16min 10sec
ResNet 20min 47sec 7min 51sec
Pre-Activation ResNet 20min 57sec 8min 25sec
DenseNet 49min 23sec 20min 1sec

Tutorial 6: Transformers and Multi-Head Attention

Models PyTorch JAX
Reverse Sequence 0min 26sec 0min 7sec
Anomaly Detection 16min 34sec 3min 45sec

Tutorial 9: Deep Autoencoders

Models PyTorch JAX
AE - 64 latents 13min 10sec 7min 10sec
AE - 128 latents 13min 11sec 7min 10sec
AE - 256 latents 13min 11sec 7min 11sec
AE - 384 latents 13min 12sec 7min 14sec

Tutorial 11: Normalizing Flows

Models PyTorch JAX
MNIST Flow - Simple 2hrs 37min 29sec 1hrs 17min 59sec
MNIST Flow - VarDeq 3hrs 25min 10sec 1hrs 36min 56sec
MNIST Flow - Multiscale 2hrs 17min 10sec 57min 57sec

Tutorial 15: Vision Transformer

Models PyTorch JAX
Vision Transformer 28min 40sec 27min 10sec