
uploadStoredFiles() fails after adding blob (for autoUpload = false)

sujayjaju opened this issue · 0 comments

Type of issue

  • Bug report

Uploader type

  • Traditional
Bug Report

Fine Uploader version


Browsers where the bug is reproducible


Operating systems where the bug is reproducible

"Windows 10"

Exact steps required to reproduce the issue

For example:

  1. Set autoUpload = false
  2. Add a blob addFiles([blob])
  3. Call uploadStoredFiles()

All relevant Fine Uploader-related code that you have written

    // src is a base64 encoded image
      .then(res => res.blob())
      .then(blob => {

Detailed explanation of the problem

Blob uploads only work with auto upload. It fails if autoUpload is set to false and uploadStoredFiles() is called subsequently.

It returns No files error