Multiple file upload plugin with image previews, drag and drop, progress bars. S3 and Azure support, image scaling, form support, chunking, resume, pause, and tons of other features.
- 0
Fine Uploader is shutting down
#2073 opened by rnicholus - 7
Replace C/C++ build tools?
#2035 opened by waynebloss - 0
- 1
Cannot use dropZone
#2071 opened by cc010cc - 4
Drag and drop from Open dialog then cancelling dialog sometimes makes Chrome hang
#2066 opened by gwilson2151 - 0
- 1
Unable to use with Internet Explorer 11 ... object properties not supported when trying to attach files
#2063 opened by mjamati - 0
Error when you use `stopOnFirstInvalidFile: true` option and native dialogs.
#2064 opened by mpawelski - 5
Feature Request: Re-order images with drag n drop.
#2046 opened by markskayff - 1
Failed s3 upload only for certain image files
#2058 opened by aryno - 1
make build generates unhandled promise rejection error
#2062 opened by rinebob - 3
Issue trying to select multiple photos on iPhone 8 using Fine-Uploader S3 configuration
#2057 opened by inglesuniversal - 1
#2042 opened by storeman - 1
Download file link. How?
#2061 opened by averichev - 0
Add function to delete resume data per file
#2060 opened by bugspunny - 0
- 6
- 1
Add ability to provide chunks to uploader
#2040 opened by Kontsedal - 5
General Error on Simplest File
#2053 opened by koryp123 - 1
Refused to apply style from ...fine-uploader-gallery.css because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enable
#2054 opened by alexxmed - 1
why image column in mysql blank?
#2055 opened by isharamperera - 0
- 0
Using fineuploader S3 cross-device
#2050 opened by tychovbh - 4
Firefox - Large single file - does not free memory
#2048 opened by inzanez - 1
upload about browser and upload problem
#2049 opened by niyangfeng - 5
- 0
- 1
Cors option expected still responses in No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' present
#2045 opened by tychovbh - 0
Get length of selected files in dropzone option
#2044 opened by omidnikrah - 3
Add how to integrate with Angular 2
#2043 opened by Chiff - 2
- 2
Not working as a service (nodejs Ubuntu)
#2041 opened by Anson-Zhao - 1
How can I restrict the validation for itemLimit and sizeLimit on each upload session?
#2038 opened by w4ling - 1
Can I set a file status to UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL
#2036 opened by Yang2007 - 2
FineUploder : Image upload error for image of 80MB
#2028 opened by sagarsolace - 1
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S3 with chunking never sends Preflight Access-Control-Allow-Oirigin as it never passes request to backend
#2031 opened by gullevek - 2
Option to disable json parsing
#2030 opened by CheyenneForbes - 1
FineUploder : Image upload error for image of 80MB
#2029 opened by louis-ramage - 2
Requesting SAS URI for every chunk
#2027 opened by yurykovshov - 2
addInitialFiles(initialFiles) extremely slow
#2026 opened by jwcharp - 0
- 1
Server Side Python AWS version 4 upload
#2025 opened by salishaukat - 3
Reset after deleteFile gives status error
#2020 opened by bazzacad - 2
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onAutoRetry event should allow returning boolean to prevent further retries
#2018 opened by DanielWare - 1
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s3: local signing / redefine the filename before upload
#2015 opened by logemann - 1
getUploads includes a File object
#2016 opened by barchard - 1