Sediment_modelling Author: J.M. Wilms email: date: 09/08/2019 clean waterlevel time series files in the SPM/Rawdata folder and plots the results for each individual station in the 'images_daily' folder. Each figure contains three graphs: 1) The original timeseries 2) The timeseries with values larger than 998 cm/s removed. Consecutive values that are less than 200 seconds apart and change less than 1 cm are also removed. The third graph contains a data set that has been resampled from its original frequency or frequencies to a daily frequency. This is done by taking the mean of all the available mesurements during that day. This scripts saves each preporcessed clean time series for each station to a .csv file with the extension _orig_postproc_daily. In addition, it creates one csv file that contains all the stations' time series on a daily frequency. filters all stations' timeseries with more than 1000 missing values. It then determines the lat/lon coordinates of the remaining stations by converting the X/Y positions in the original time series file from EPSG 25831 to EPSG 4326. The locations of the stations are then plotted on a map along with the locations of the locations of sites that contain sediment information.