Hello World


View on Heroku

This is a hello world project.


Database Access

When the environment variable ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT has the value DEVELOPMENT, the application will use the ConnectionString LocalPostgresContext found in appsettings.json. Switching the value to PRODUCTION will make the application use a database supplied via the DATABASE_URL environment variable.

Initial Administrator Creation

When the environment variable DEFAULT_ADMIN_USER_CREDENTIALS is set, the application will create an administrator account with the credentials taken from the environment variable value with format (<email>;<password>).

For example, setting the environment variable to:


will create an account that has the email admin@acme.com and password Password1234!. This account will be added automatically to the Administrator role.

The account will not be created if a user with that email already exists, but it will be assigned to the Administrator role.


On Manual Deploys

  1. You can set the version of the app using the VERSION build argument in docker build.
docker run -e DATABASE_URL={database_url} -dp {external_port}:80 p33-helloworld --build-args=VERSION=

Github Actions CI/CD Flow

  1. You can modify the version in the dotnet.yml file.

How to run / deploy

Locally (via Docker)

  1. Build the container image
docker build -t p33-helloworld .
  1. Start the app container
docker run -e DATABASE_URL={database_url} -dp {external_port}:80 p33-helloworld

Replace database_url with a Postgres Database URI (starting with postgres://).
Replace external_port with the desired port on the host machine.

On Heroku

Ensure you have the Heroku CLI installed and authenticated.

  1. Log into the Heroku Container Registry (you only need to run this once)
heroku container:login
  1. Create an app in Heroku (skip this if you already have created an app)
heroku create
  1. Build the container image and push it to the Heroku Registry
heroku container:push web
  1. Provision a Postgres database and add required Environment Variables
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
heroku config:set ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production
  1. Release the image to the app
heroku container:release web


Created by Fineas Gavre during the Principal33 Internship.
