
A web sqlite analyzer

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

SQLite Analyzer

This project is a simple web service that allows generating and displaying an ER model for a SQLite database. The ER model is created as a PNG image to visualize the relationships between tables in the database.


To run this project, you need:

  • Python 3 installed on your system.

  • The Python libraries Flask and Graphviz. You can install them via pip:

    pip install Flask graphviz


  1. Clone or download the project to your local computer.

  2. Navigate to the project directory.

  3. Start the application by running the main.py file:

    python main.py
  4. Open a web browser and go to the URL

  5. Upload a SQLite database file (.db file extension).

  6. The ER model will be automatically generated and displayed along with table data.


  • ER Model Generation: The ER model is automatically generated from the uploaded SQLite database and displayed as a PNG image.
  • Display of Table Data: The data of each table in the uploaded SQLite database is displayed to facilitate quick data inspection.

File Structure

  • main.py: The main application that creates the web service using Flask.
  • uploads/: The directory where uploaded SQLite database files are stored.
  • templates/: The directory containing HTML templates for the web pages.
  • static/: The directory containing static files such as CSS or images.


  • Author: fingadumbledore


This project is licensed under the MIT License.