
Convert natural language text to configuration files(yaml/ini/conf/json) of various projects(docker/kubernetes/vim/nginx/postgres/terraform) with the power of Pre-Trained models.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

text to config or command (t2c)

Convert natural language text to configuration files(yaml/ini/conf/json) or command of various projects(docker/kubernetes/vim/nginx/postgres/terraform) with the power of Pre-Trained models. Relieve you from the burden of remembering configuration and commands.


from pypi

# pip install text2config

from github

git clone https://github.com/FingerLiu/text2config.git
cd text2config
pip install -e .

config and run


# default to 0

t2c -e k8s "get all pod name ant create time in namespace kube-system and sort by create time"

t2c -e docker "run image nginx:latest and mount ~/nginx.conf to /etc/nginx.conf, and also expose 80 to local 8080, remove it after stop"

t2c "list all flies"

Tips for Chinese users

Due to network issues, you need to config proxy for openai api in your terminal like this.

export https_proxy= http_proxy= all_proxy=socks5://


usage: t2c [-h] [-m {cmd,config}] [--command COMMAND] [-c CONFIG] [-d] goal

Convert natural language text to configuration files(yaml/ini/conf/json) 
or command of various projects(docker/kubernetes/vim/nginx/postgres/terraform).

Example: t2c -e k8s "get all pod in namespace kube-system and sort by create time"

t2c "list all files sort by create time"

positional arguments:
  goal                  goal of the command or config that you want to generate

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m {cmd,config}, --mode {cmd,config}
                        generate command or config
  --command COMMAND, -e COMMAND
                        command name: docker, k8s, kubernetes, kubectl, nginx, any, ...
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
  -d, --debug           show debug log


  • ✅ text to docker command
  • ✅ text to k8s command
  • text to k8s yaml
  • text to nginx conf
  • chain command to other commands
  • ✅ text to any command/config with predefined prompt template.
  • text to custom command/config with user provide prompt template

text to docker command

t2c docker "run image nginx and export port 80 to local port 8080"

## text to k8s cmd
t2c -e k8s "scale deploy nginx to 3"
t2c -e kubectl -m cmd "get svc in ns which expose domain t2c.io"

text to k8s yaml

t2c -e k8s --mode config "run nginx deploy and export a ingress with domain t2c.github.io"
t2c -e k8s -m config "mount a nas pvc to deploy mysql in namespace test"

text to nginx conf

t2c -e nginx -c /path/to/nginx.conf add location /docs/ to vhost t2c.io redirect to t2c.github.io
