
Python project that updates metadata (including album art) and searches for lyrics from the Genius API.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python project that updates metadata (including album art) and searches for lyrics from the Genius API.


Getting the project

Download the project or clone it with git. You can create a virtual environment if you can. Install the requisites by running

pip install -r requirements.txt

You will need to create an auth_token.txt file in the Source folder and paste a Genius token inside it. You can generate a genius token here

Update Metadata

Metadata.py takes in an mp3 file (or a folder path) and searches for the corresponding metadata from Genius.com using the Genius API and Eyed3 module.

Here is an example in a test folder I made:


Run Metadata Search (collected from Genius.com):


Finished Search:


Updated mp3 file:


Metadata.py contains the funtcion get_metadata,

get_metadata(song_file, art_option=0)

Which is called with a file path to an mp3 file, and an optional art_option which is set to 0 by default.

Setting art_option to 0 will update the file with the songs Album Art,

Setting it to 1 will update the file to the songs Song Art, which sometimes differ.

Search Song Lyrics

GeniusLyrics.py takes in a song name and artist name and searches Genius.com for the lyrics. The lyrics are saved to a json file called song_lyrics.json. Searches are performed on this saved data when offline. Here is an example, running GUI.py which is a simple gui for getting song lyrics

Example Search:




Contribute to the project

Take a look, run the code, and contribute if you'd like!