
JSON Patch for ASP.NET Core using System.Text.Json

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A simple(ish) JSON Patch implementation for ASP.NET Core using System.Text.Json instead of Newtonsoft.Json


The "built-in" JSON Patch library requires Newtonsoft.Json... I don't want to use Newtonsoft.Json.


In Startup:

void ConfigureServiceS(IServiceCollection services)
    _ = services.AddControllers()
        .AddJsonOptions(options =>
                new JsonPatchConverter());
                new JsonPointerConverter());

In your controller, use something like:

// N.B. this isn't error checked or anything, so it's probably broken.
// demonstrative purposes only!
public IActionResult Patch(
    [FromBody, Required]JsonPatch patch)
    // or loaded from somewhere
    using var currentValue = JsonDocument.Parse("{}");
    using var writer = new Utf8JsonWriter(Response.BodyWriter);

    if (!patch.TryApply(writer,
        // patch didn't apply
        return BadRequest();

    // flush the writer
    return Ok();

// Or:
public async Task<IActionResult> Patch(
    [FromBody, Required]JsonPatch patch)
    // GetJsonDocumentFromDatabase should likely register the JsonDocument for
    // dispose (Response.RegisterForDispose)
    var currentValue = await GetJsonDocumentFromDatabaseAsync();
    var array = new ArrayBufferWriter<byte>();
    using var writer = new Utf8JsonWriter(array);

    if (!patch.TryApply(writer,
        // patch didn't apply
        return BadRequest();

    // flush the writer so we can re-parse it

    // parse the output as a json document
    using var finalValue = JsonDocument.Parse(array.WrittenMemory);
    await SaveToDatabaseAsync(finalValue);

    // notify other people that the data in the database has changed
    // (e.g. via pub/sub)
    await BroadcastChanges(finalValue);

    return NoContent();

Why Utf8JsonWriter as a parameter to TryApply?

I didn't want to expose the internal mutable JSON tree (see MutableJson.cs) since it's not perfect and probably doesn't work like you expect:

  • MutableJsonValue purely represents the tree in a JSON document
  • It refers directly to JsonElement-s owned by other JsonDocuments and does not copy them.
    • A MutableJsonElement refers to either a JsonDocument owned by the JsonPatch or a JsonElement owned by the passed root element in TryApply.
  • It is very easy to get into a situation where you get use-after-dispose

As ugly as the current approach is, it mostly guarantees that TryApply won't throw, and will always produce valid JSON if it returns true.


  • Use built-in writable DOM: dotnet/designs#163
    • When the above is merged, make TryApply have an out JsonNode parameter