
The Haskell Is Obviously Better at Everything (HIOBE) Index

Primary LanguageHaskell

The Haskell Is Obviously Better at Everything (HIOBE) Index


The HIOBE Index is a Haskell application that is specifically engineered to be explored using the Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler's (GHC) profiling capabilities and libraries/tools such as ghc-debug and eventlog2html.


Refer to Well-Typed's recorded YouTube livestream titled "Profiling Memory Usage with eventlog2html and ghc-debug" for a tutorial on profiling and debugging the HIOBE Index's memory usage.

Profiling workflows will be further documented in the future.


The TIOBE Index is a programming language popularity index. At the time of writing, the TIOBE Index has Haskell ranked at #43, behind D and LabVIEW (?). This is blasphemy and we shouldn't stand for it.

The HIOBE Index is my rebuttal. It is a simple web application (in server) that stores (a subset of) the 2022 Stack Overflow Developer Survey results in a sqlite database (over 70000 rows). The database has a single table survey_data that looks like this:

    LanguageHaveWorkedWith TEXT,
    LanguageWantToWorkWith TEXT,
    ConvertedCompYearly INTEGER


We can issue requests to the following endpoints of the web server:

POST /survey/respond

Submit your own response to the HIOBE Index survey.

Example request:

curl -X POST http://localhost:3001/survey/respond -d '
    "haveWorkedWith": ["python","java","go","erlang","lua","javascript","typescript","clojure"],
    "wantToWorkWith": ["haskell"],
    "yearlyComp": 50000

Example response:

    "message": "Thanks!",
    "responseId": 73858

GET /truth

Serves truth.

GET /languages/list

List all languages stored in the database.

GET /languages/count/have/:lang

The number of survey respondants that have worked with lang.

GET /languages/count/want/:lang

The number of survey respondants that want to work with lang.

GET /languages/hist/have

A histogram of the languages respondants have worked with

GET /languages/hist/have

A histogram of the languages respondants want to work with

Traffic Generation

We want to make sure that the HIOBE Index makes Haskell look as good as we know it is, so we also have an executable application that generates traffic (in traffic) which automatically submits lots of honest survey responses to the HIOBE Index, and also generates some nice request traffic.

Unfortunately, in a sick twist of fate, the HIOBE Index server application has been having some memory issues. You are invited to profile the hiobe-server application with tools such as eventlog2html and ghc-debug in order to figure out how to fix these issues.