
A simple calculator for specific percentage counts often complicates people.

Primary LanguageCSS

Percentage (%) Reverse

What is it for?

  • Calculate reverse percentage;
  • Calculate percentage of total value;

How it works?

  • Calculate reverse percentage:

    • Imagine that you made a purchase of a product with a price of $250,00. Your discount is $30,00.
    • What percentage of this discount?
    • Formula: (30 ÷ 250) x 100 = 12%.
    • Your discount equivalent to 12%.
  • Calculate percentage of total value:

    • Imagine that you want to find 100% (total value) from a number that you alredy have.
    • $ 225,00 corresponds to 75% from a value, how to know how much is 100%?
    • Formula: 225 ÷ (75 ÷ 100) = 300.
    • 100% from the value will be $ 300,00.

Acess the github pages here: Percentage (%) Reverse
