
A decentralized Flappy Bird clone making use of NFTs.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Flutter Bird Cover

Flutter Bird (Prototype)

TL;DR A decentralized Flappy Bird clone making use of NFTs.

Flutter Bird imitates the minigame "Flappy Bird" which domitated the AppStores in 2014. On top of that Flutter Bird adds one basic feature to the original game: The ability to play with alternative skins. These skins are realised as NFTs on the Ethereum Blockchain. The Purpose of Flutter Bird is to demonstrate the processes of an Ethereum Authentication and Authorization with NFTs within a Flutter Application. Flutter Bird has been developed as part of my bachelor thesis.

Flutter Application (Flappy Bird App)

The Frontend Application is built with Flutter. The Game Logic as well as Authentication and Authorization processes are implemented in this application. The Flutter Application is referred to as Flutter Bird App. It runs on iOS, Android and the Web.

NFT-Collection (Flappy Bird Skins)

The NFT-Collection consists of 1000 Image Files that each represent a different skin for flutter bird. These images are stored in the IPFS and ownership is managed with an ERC-721 Smart Contract. The Smart Contract is referred to as Flutter Bird Skins. It has been deployed on the Ethereum Testnet "Goerli". Flutter Bird Skins can be found on Etherscan and on OpenSea.



  • Flappy Bird Clone
    • Play Flappy Bird
    • Track your Highscore
  • Authenticate using a Crypto Wallet and your Ethereum Account
  • Use your Flutter Bird Skin NFTs to play the game

Tech Stack

Client: Flutter application for iOS, Android and Web

Blockchain: Ethereum (Goerli Testnet)

Smart Contract Standard: ERC-721

Node Provider: Alchemy Supernode

Storage: IPFS


Flutter Bird Demo

Build and Run Locally (Flutter App)



  1. Clone project
git clone https://github.com/Tonnanto/flutter-bird
  1. Create secrets.dart file at flutter_bird_app/lib/secrets.dart.
  2. Add the following contents to the file and insert your alchemy api key:
const alchemyApiKey = "YOUR_ALCHEMY_API_KEY";
  1. Go to apps directory
cd flutter-bird/flutter_bird_app
  1. Install dependencies
flutter pub get
  1. Run app on an available device.
    Hint: Use an IDE to comfortably connect real mobile devices or mobile simulators. Browsers should be available by default.
flutter install


flutter doctor
flutter analyze

More info here

Mint Skin-NFT

In order to use a Flutter Bird Skin in the game you need to mint one first.


  • Set up an Account on the Goerli-Blockchain (Use MetaMask for example).
  • Deposit some free GTH in your Account with a Faucet (0.01 GTH + Gas per Skin).


  1. Visit the contracts page on etherscan.

  2. Find a skin that has not been minted by entering values between 0 and 999 in the ownerOf function. If it returns an error, the skin has not been minted, and you can proceed to the next step. If no skin is available, you have to buy one on a secondary market like OpenSea.

  3. Go to Write Contract

  4. Click "Connect to Web3" and connect your wallet.

  5. Use the mintSkin function and enter 0.01 as the payableAmount, and the token ID from step 2 as the newTokenId

  6. Click "Write" and confirm and sign the transaction with your wallet.

  7. Once the transaction is successful, you have successfully minted a skin that you can use in the Flutter Bird App.

For Klaytn testnet

  • Create .env file in flutter_bird_skins and set PRIVATE_KEY, API_URL
  • API_URL refer to ChainList.


  • Build docker compose
% docker-compose up --build
  • Open other terminal and Run deploy
% docker-compose exec truffle sh
# truffle deploy --network baobab

Compiling your contracts...
✓ Fetching solc version list from solc-bin. Attempt #1
✓ Downloading compiler. Attempt #1.
> Everything is up to date, there is nothing to compile.

Starting migrations...
> Network name:    'baobab'
> Network id:      1001
> Block gas limit: 999999999999 (0xe8d4a50fff)


   Replacing 'FlutterBirdSkins'
   > transaction hash:    0xcfe48dd339af389ed2dd85e2b94ac53fb64c9874fb2980b7e59e55aa2ec58eb9
   > Blocks: 0            Seconds: 0
   > contract address:    0xAca84dc56A05bbC7a335a74d9e13C91dfA2Ea16D
   > block number:        158855531
   > block timestamp:     1720436952
   > account:             0xeB022B68B17Ec89e539C6F5BD740c648c013D9e0
   > balance:             59.645653649985826146
   > gas used:            4724618 (0x48178a)
   > gas price:           25.000000001 gwei
   > value sent:          0 ETH
   > total cost:          0.118115450004724618 ETH

   > Saving artifacts
   > Total cost:     0.118115450004724618 ETH

> Total deployments:   1
> Final cost:          0.118115450004724618 ETH

Generate and Mint full onchain bird

  • You can generate random bird images using a script.

  • Using the deployed contract, you can base64 encode the generated bird image and set it as the tokenURI to mint it as a full onchain NFT.

  • Create bird

    • You can start the server to get or generate images.
    • If the target tokenId exists, it will be retrieved; if not, it will be generated.
% cd flutter_bird_image_server
% npm run start
% curl -o image.png http://localhost:3000/image/:tokenId
  • Mint full onchain bird
    • We recommend minting from Flutter Birds, but you can also mint it manually.
    • The generated image is used to mint NFTs.
    • Please run it in the environment where you deployed the contract.
    • Please change the filePath of toenInfo in mint_random_skin.js as appropriate.
    • Please execute the following in your docker environment.
# node scripts/mint_full_onchain_bird/mint_random_skin.js
Minting a random Flutter Bird Skin on contract: 0xBa29cfe58943Ee7830663C31029ef73f65B1D470
data:application/json,{"name":"Flutter Bird - 358","description":"NFT Flutter Bird","attributes":[{"trait_type":"File size","value":"17,510 bytes"}],"image":"..."}
chunk count: 1
appendUri tx: [object Object]
Minting successful
Token ID of new Skin: 358
  • Transfer nft
  • transfer_nft.js recipientAddress tokenId
# node scripts/transfer_nft.js 0xde7c30d8548b1b38856aa3ae2bf02c536ab60f1e 66
Sender address: 0x492ca3c9594B17b65494F910A9a33Fa66f3141ed
Recipient address: 0xde7c30d8548b1b38856aa3ae2bf02c536ab60f1e
Token ID: 66
NFT (Token ID: 66) successfully transferred
Transaction Hash: 0x5a2c95a0a19e7621f21f058fcc712d92a0850ea5cc0983444d3904c1d72b5025
  • Check the minted NFT using truffle.
    • Please execute the following in your docker environment.
    • You can open the NFT image by pasting data:image/png;base64, xxxxxxx from the image field of the uri into the search box of your browser.
// If you are deploying to the testnet, set the network to baobab.
# truffle console --network baobab
truffle(baobab)> let instance = await FlutterBirdSkins.deployed()
truffle(baobab)> ownerAddress="0x244d85991c825ad2672111ed73e089fbd39e357d"
truffle(baobab)> let tokens = await instance.getTokensForOwner(ownerAddress)
truffle(baobab)> console.log(tokens.map(token => token.toString()))
[ '358' ]
truffle(baobab)> let uri = await instance.tokenURI(358)
truffle(baobab)> console.log(uri)
data:application/json,{"name":"Flutter Bird - 358","description":"NFT Flutter Bird","attributes":[{"trait_type":"File size","value":"10,029 bytes"}],"image":"..."}

Access via LINE

The LINE Messenger API allows us to receive URLs via LINE.
