
*No longer being maintained: Nov 2015*. Node.js, Grunt, Bower and Angular Boilerplate. MIT License. Created by Fintan Kearney.

Primary LanguageCSS


Note: Nov 2015: This project is no longer being maintained Scaffold version 2 is on the way ;)

Official Website with Documentation: http://scaffoldjs.com

Website Screenshot

Express Grunt Bower Angular Node.js

A Node.js and Grunt boilerplate that focuses on automating many frontend tasks that optimize your application development, performance and user experience.


  • Auto generated manifest file
  • Asset concatenation and minification
  • HTML minification for production builds if required.
  • SASS
  • Further compression of assets using express in gzip format
  • Development and production builds with a watcher to kick off builds when changes are made in development
  • Native notification when builds are completed.
  • Builds run against pagespeed for feedback on app performance
  • Favicons, IOS and Windows 8 Tile Icons auto-generated.

Let's get started

  1. Install dependencies ( --save writes to add dependencies to package.json )

Note: You may need to install ruby on your system.

> gem install sass

> npm install -g bower

> npm install -g grunt-cli

> npm install -g grunt-sass

> npm install -g node-sass

> npm install -g grunt

> npm install

> brew install ImageMagick (OSX)

> apt-get install imagemagick (Ubuntu)

> apt-get install graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat

> bower install (load frontend dependencies)
  1. Let's create our build


  2. Run the project

This project runs on port 3004 for development purposes but feel free to change it for your own purposes (server.js)

> grunt serve

Debugger port: 5858

Pagespeed https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fscaffoldjs.com%3A3004%2F&tab=mobile

Mobiready http://ready.mobi/index.jsp#11510-x1u1


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