
A minimal REST API built with Symfony and the FOSRest bundle

Primary LanguagePHP

Symfony REST API Example

This application provides a skeleton application and reference for creating a rest API with Symfony 2.5. It returns both JSON and XML depending on the content type set in each request to the endpoints.

  1. Install dependencies with composer

If you don't have Composer yet, download it following the instructions on http://getcomposer.org/ or just run the following command in this projects root directory:

curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php

Then, use the create-project command to generate a new Symfony application:

php composer.phar install
  1. Checking your System Configuration

Before starting coding, make sure that your local system is properly configured for Symfony.

Execute the check.php script from the command line:

php app/check.php

The script returns a status code of 0 if all mandatory requirements are met, 1 otherwise.

Access the config.php script from a browser:


If you get any warnings or recommendations, fix them before moving on.

  1. Run the migrations using Doctrine and populate demo data using the fixtures bundle

Create the database

app/console doctrine:database:create

Generate the schema

app/console doctrine:schema:create

Generate example data using the fixtures

app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
  1. Run the application using the built in development server

app/console server:run
  1. Test

bin/phpunit -c app/ src
  1. Useful Commands

View all available routes

app/console router:debug 

Clear cache (dev)

app/console cache:clear --env=dev