
A concise list of topics to research before deploying your website to production :floppy_disk: :boom: :ok_hand:

“There is a point in your programming career, when you realise that there isn’t a best tool”.

“The best tools are the ones you know well and can gain more value from”.

  • Inspiration: https://dribbble.com , https://www.behance.net/
  • Branding.
  • Logo,
  • Font.
  • Web design (Photoshop , Adobe etc)
  • Media Production
  • Optimize Images (Imagemagick)
  • Imagemagick (https://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php)
  • Optimize Media (Video and Audio) (https://ffmpeg.org/)
  • Semantic HTML + Metadata
  • Manifest.json
  • Efficient and supported CSS (auto-prefixer)
  • Use light ads Cross browser / device support
  • Desktop,
  • Tablet,
  • Phone,
  • Watch,
  • Game Console,
  • Chrome Extension,
  • VR,
  • Offline first using service worker or cache manifest file
  • Uses environmental variables
  • Native notifications for successful builds
  • State Management / Offline State
  • Manifest.json file
  • Different env files so that you don’t have to keep manually porting CLI arguments
  • Sitemap
  • Responsive Design
  • Gesture support
  • Retina based Fonts
  • JS Linters
  • Editorconfig for development
  • Enhanced User experience
  • Progressive enhancement and graceful degradation
  • Beautiful fonts
  • Push Notifications
  • Native device interaction.
  • Server side detection where possible
  • Optimized static assets (concatenation. minification and gzip compression)
  • In memory database for development
  • Migrations
  • Whitelisting / blacklisting
  • Development and production environments / builds
  • Unit and behavioural tests
  • Continuous deployment / integration strategy
  • Component based architecture on the frontend for reusability.
  • Microservices architecture for backend services.
  • Scalable microservices for increased loads.
  • Caching on both the client and server.
  • Load testing.
  • Stress Testing (JMeter) Application profiling for bottlenecks
  • Security https://github.com/OWASP/Top10/raw/master/2017/OWASP%20Top%2010%20-%202017%20RC1-English.pdf (OWASP Top 10 2017) SSL HTTP V2 - Docker