
Fabric deployment for django using virtualenvwrapper and nginx

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Inspired by capistrano, django-deploy is a fabfile to aid quick and easy setup and deployment of django-powered websites. Configured for use with git, ubuntu, apache virtual hosts, nginx, mod_wsgi and mysql / mysqlite3.


Download the fabfile into the root of a django project (alongside manage.py etc.):

git clone git://github.com/martinogden/django-deploy.git fabfile

Add the following settings to your settings.py file

FABRIC_DOMAIN = 'your-domain.com'
FABRIC_USER = 'Your SSH username'
FABRIC_PASSWORD = 'Your SSH password'
FABRIC_HOST = 'Your server IP'
FABRIC_REPO = 'git@your-git-repository.git'


FABRIC_RELEASES = number of old releases to keep (default 5)


From the root of your django project you can run the fab commands. The commands are in the format fab <ENVIRONMENT> <COMMAND> e.g. fab staging deploy.



Example: fab production boostrap.

  • create apache / nginx / mod_wsgi configuration files
  • create a new virtualenv
  • checkout the git repository
  • create static / media folders
  • Create database and initial schema (not including migrations)


Example: fab production deploy.

  • checkout the latest release of the git repository
  • backup the current version - keeps last 5 (settings.FABRIC_RELEASES)
  • run south migrations
  • collect any new static files and move them to settings.STATIC_ROOT


Example: fab production rollback.

Move project back to previous state, update migrations and static files


Example: fab production test deploy.

Run all tests locally. Useful if chained before a deploy command as the deploy will not run if any tests fail.


Example: fab production create_database.

Creates remote database and runs syncdb. Currently uses your ssh user and password, @todo add facility to override this.


Example: fab production sync_local_database.

Update your local environment with data from remote database. Useful for quickly accessting data to work with in development.


Example: fab production sync_local_media.

Same as above, but syncs remote user-uploaded media.


Example: fab production django_admin:'migrate app 0002'.

Small wrapper around remote django-admin.py command.


  • django
  • fabric
  • south (for database migrations)
