
Mobile Webanwendung im Rahmen der Veranstaltung 119645A Spezielle Themen der mobilen Anwendungsentwicklung im Kontext Connected Cars.

Getting started 🚀

  1. Prerequisites

    Install the Ionic CLI globally

    $ npm install -g @ionic/cli

    Install packages with

    $ npm install

    You need to copy the .env.local.sample file and rename it to .env.local and configure it with your environment variables and your API keys.

  2. Development

    Start the development server

    $ npm run dev

    Now you can open your favourite browser at http://localhost:8100/ and start devloping.

  3. Deployment

    Build an optimized version of the app by running

    $ npm run build

    Deploy the app by running

    $ firebase deploy

    via the firebase cli which should be installed gloabally. In addition you need to sign in first to your google account.

    $ npm install -g firebase-tools
    $ firebase login

    Alternatively a push to the main branch will trigger a pipeline to deploy the app to firebase hosting.