
Node express js REST api's wit firebase authentication server.

Primary LanguageHTML


ReST API startup project using express js / MySQL and Firebase

Technologies used

  • Node 8.x
  • Express 4.16.x
  • MySql 5.x
  • Firebase authentication

Packages and tools used

  • sequalize
  • firebase-admin
  • helmet
  • lodash
  • winston
  • mocha
  • supertest
  • eslint (should be installed globally)
  • apidoc (should be installed globally)
  • sequelize-auto (should be installed globally)


  • Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/exp-anoop/node-mysql-firebase.git node-mysql-firebase-api
  • Install dependencies
cd node-mysql-firebase-api && yarn install
  • For starting the application use the following script. (will check the code quality before starting the application).
yarn run serve
  • To run the test cases and genarate API documentation run the following command.
yarn run build

Environment variables

Create .env file in the root of your application and add the following variables in the file.

  • PORT - Specify port to run the application
  • MYSQL_URI - MySql connection string
  • LOG - Specify where to write logs (console or file)
  • SENDGRID_API_KEY - Send grid api key (for email)
  • FCM_SERVER_KEY - Firebase server key for push notification
  • FIREBASE_DATABASE - Firebase realtime database URI

Module Generator

  • To genarate a new module (resource) run the following command. This will ask the module details.
yarn run gen:module

Model Generator

  • To genarate a new model (database) run the following command.
yarn run gen:models

Core modifications

Added two new functions to response object

  1. res.return() - This function is a replacement for res.send(), using this function we include additional information to the response such as message, status and data.
  • Example res.return({name: "Anoop"}) // Output {"message":"OK","status":200, data: {name: "Anoop"}}
  1. res.message() - To send custom message along with the response, by default it will take standard http message.
  • Example 1: res.status(500).message("Some thing went wrong with the server").return() // Response {"message":"Some thing went wrong with the server","status":500}
  • Example 2: res.status(500).return() // Response {"message":"Internal Server Error","status":500}