Survey Form 📝

Demo image

You can find the live website here.


This is my submission for freeCodeCamp's Survey Form certification project! The theme was inspired by my need for a survey form for Sweet Comforts Bakery website testers. I was going to use Google Forms, but because of the certification project I decided to make my own.


This is a fully responsive website. The UI was taken from the original website's UI kit, save for the font (that's just one of my favorites 🙂).


This website was built with HTML and CSS, with a bit of JavaScript to create a popup alert when the user clicks "Submit".

What I learned

I learned a lot about HTML forms while creating this project, most notably <input> types and attributes. I also learned how to create a popup alert in Javascript!

Future plans

I'd love to fix the 405 error that occurs upon form submission. I'd also love to learn a server-side language to save the user's inputs to a database.