
Discord Rich Presence for Adobe Photoshop

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Photoshop Rich presence

There's many photoshop rich presences out there, but this one's by far the best.

Currently supports: Windows
* More support can come, however since I don't have a machine to test them on I can't add them. It's really, really simple, so if someone can figure it out please make a PR!

How to Setup

  1. Install NodeJS (v10 or above)
  2. Download this repoistory by hitting "Clone or download" and then "Download ZIP"
  3. Extract the zip somewhere you want to keep this
  4. Open a terminal or command line
  5. (Windows Only) Type npm i windows-build-tools --global and wait for it to finish
  6. Navigate to where you put the folder (How To)
  7. Run npm install and wait for it to finish
  8. Type cd src and then node rpc
  9. From now on, if you want to run it, you can just type node rpc in the src directory :)


It'd be cool to release a compiled exe or whatever... so maybe that someday.