based on and developed from:
- BerldChess:
- ChessDotNet:
- and the ChessEngineInterface .NET .dll assembly
- 4 move sounds (move, capture, check, and castle)
- 5 time controls: move + inc., fixed depth, fixed time, fixed nodes, and infinite
- attractive chess piece sets w/ gradient shadow and adjustable scale factor
- board squares can use colors or images, with opacity control
- choice of 'sequential' or 'random' for opening book position selection
- configurable best move and last move indicators
- configurable draw and resign adjudication
- configurable pause between games
- dark mode
- engine logo display (100 x 50)
- engine vs. engine matches
- FEN position copy/paste buttons
- flip board control
- full support for TT and Unicode chess fonts
- fully customizable user interface, adjustable splitters, panel hide/unhide, etc.
- live game move-by-move save to PGN file (suitable for web broadcast)
- options (including engine config) can be changed 'on-the-fly' (during a game)
- multiPV support
- move arrow colors are calculated/graded from red to green according to eval score
- opening book creation and usage (import PGN to FEN)
- optional board border, square outlines, and coordinate display
- optional UI extended move information (engine eval + depth)
- optional legal move display
- real-time engine LOS (likelihood of superiority) calculation