
opeNode command line to control and manage instances.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



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opeNode (https://www.openode.io/) command line to control and manage your application instances efficiently.

opeNode provides reliable and fast Platform As A Services (PaaS) to deploy your web applications instantly.


npm install -g openode


Deploy an Instance

First, just go to your project directory in command line:

cd [your project directory]

And then just type:

openode deploy

This command will upload your local repository to the opeNode cloud, npm install, then launch a secure container of your server, and then put it online. During this command, you can also select between using a subdomain.openode.io or a custom domain.

Note that when you run openode deploy and your website is already running, it will update your files, update the environment variables (if they changed), and reload your website with 0-second-downtime.


openode deploy [-t TOKEN -s SITE_NAME]
  • -t: Provide an API token used for authentication.
  • -s: Provide a site name.

.openodeignore: If you add a .openodeignore file in your repository, the list of files provided in this file will get ignored (not sent). The format is the same as the well known .gitignore.


If you would like to deploy without synchronizing the files, this is the right command to use:

openode restart


For a lightweight and fast reloading (without rebuilding everything), a reload can be done:

openode reload

Sync - Send only the changed/new files

If you only need to send new files without deploying, then you can simply run:

openode sync

Sync and Reload

A shortcut to synchronize and reload can be used:

openode sync-n-reload

Upgrading Your Plan

In order to upgrade your plan, you first have to look at the possible plans using:

openode plans

Pick the right id, and then you can upgrade by running:

openode set-plan PLAN_ID

You can always verify which plan is currently active with:

openode plan


To integrate with your favorite continuous integration (CI) tool, you can use the following command in order to generate the .openode file:

openode ci-conf TOKEN SITENAME

Note that you can avoid using ci-conf and provide the token and sitename by using the -t and -s options in the deploy command, for example: openode deploy -t your_token -s your_sitename.


You can obtain the info on your website instance via:

openode status


You can view the logs by using the following command:

openode logs [-n nbLines]
  • -n: (Optional) Returns the N last lines for all log types.


You can obtain stats (CPU, RAM, disk, etc.) about your instance:

openode stats

Stopping an Instance

openode stop

Restart an Instance

openode restart

Run a Remote Command

The following command allows to run a command in your running container:

openode cmd [service] [yourCmd]

For example, if you run openode cmd www "ls -la", the list of files will be listed in the www service.

Erase all content

In order to clear all content of your cloud repository and stop your instance, the following operation must done:

openode erase-all

Custom Domain

To enable a custom domain, make sure to enter your custom domain while running openode deploy. Then you can manage your custom domain subdomains using the following commands.

List aliases (subdomains)

openode list-aliases

Add an alias (subdomain)

openode add-alias [hostname]

If your custom domain is for example mycustomdomain.com, then you can run

openode add-alias www.mycustomdomain.com
openode add-alias blog.mycustomdomain.com

in order to point mycustomdomain.com, www.mycustomdomain.com, and blog.mycustomdomain.com to this instance.

Removing an alias (subdomain)

openode del-alias [hostname]


To list all DNS settings

openode list-dns


A new DNS entry can be added with:

openode add-dns [domainName] [type] [value]

where the domainName is the domain name, type is the DNS entry type (A, TXT, etc.), and finally a value must be set.


To delete a DNS entry:

openode del-dns [id]

where id corresponds to the id returned by list-dns.

Defining storage areas

The storage areas are folders which will never be deleted. Those folders can be used for storage purpose (database, configurations, etc.).

List storage areas

openode storage-areas

Add a storage area

openode add-storage-area [relative-folder]

Exemple [relative-folder]: db/

Delete a storage area

openode del-storage-area [relative-folder]

Exemple [relative-folder]: db/


Snapshots are copies of the remote repository which can be used for backups or in order to rollback.

List snapshots

openode snapshots

And to get the details for a specific snapshot:

openode snapshot [id]

Create a snapshot

To create a snapshot, use the following command:

openode create-snapshot [Name] [Location Id]


openode apply-snapshot [ID] [Location Id]

In order to use an existing snapshot to the remote repository.

Delete a snapshot

To delete a snapshot, use the following command:

openode del-snapshot [id]


The following commands allow to manage locations where your website is deployed.

List available locations

openode available-locations

Currently active locations

openode locations

Add a location

openode add-location [location-id]

Remove a location

openode del-location [location-id]


Templates are Dockerfile which can be copied to your local. The Dockerfile is what we use to deploy your instances. You are free to use as is a Dockerfile template or adapt it to your needs.

List templates

To view the list of all available templates, type:

openode list-templates

Get info about a template

To get the template description:

openode template-info [template-name]

Retrieve a template

To get a copy of a template, just do:

openode template [template-name]

Note that if you do not specify a template name, the CLI will get the most appropriate template based on your local repository.


Website configs, such as the build script path, can be managed via the CLI.

List available config variables

openode available-configs

Set a config

openode set-config [variable] [value]

Get the value of a given variable

openode config [variable]
