
QMake build script tools to manage cross platform project building and dependencies in development projects (also manages nsis installer, mac bundling...). Aims at providing Maven like dependencies management to C/C++ builds.

Primary LanguageQMake

Builddefs-qmake documentation

builddefs-qmake is a set of cross-platform rules based on qmake used to provide homogeneous c++ builds, ensuring build rules for shared libraries and executables are the same along the builds. It supports either dynamic or static libraries builds.

It also provides binaries dependencies management from several package manager.

The dependencies can be used from vcpkg, conan, system package managers (such as apt, yum, brew, chocolatey, scoop ...) as long as the dependency provides a pkg-config file describing its include and link options.

The rules use the various pkg-config files to feed the include and link flags, avoiding the need for the developer to maintain the flags in the project file.

builddefs-qmake also supports remaken package format

[EXPERIMENTAL] builddefs-qmake can also rely on the output generated with remaken configure ... ([EXPERIMENTAL] in remaken 1.8.0).

To use this mode, add use_remaken_parser to either CONFIG, DEPENDENCIES_CONFIG or REMAKENCONFIG variables in your qmake project file before [templatelibconfig|templateappconfig].pri inclusion.

builddefs-qmake environment variables

REMAKEN_PKG_ROOT: the remaken packages root folder. The variable must give the path to the root of installed packages (for instance /my_path_to/.remaken/packages).

Do not define this variable if your remaken packages root is the default one ($${USERHOMEFOLDER}/.remaken/packages).

builddefs-qmake qmake variables

USERHOMEFOLDER: represents the user home folder. It is the $HOME folder on unix(e)s, and $USERPROFILE or - when $USERPROFILE is not set - $HOMEDRIVE/$HOMEPATH on windows

REMAKENDEPSFOLDER: the remaken packages root folder. Defaults to $${USERHOMEFOLDER}/.remaken/packages unless REMAKEN_PKG_ROOT is defined.

FRAMEWORK: the framework name the project belongs to. It is often the same name that the target name. It can be used to gather several libraries belonging to the same framework in the same installation folder.

INSTALLSUBDIR [optional - not recommended]: installation subfolder in which the package will be installed in remaken structure.

REMAKEN_TARGET_PLATFORM: the platform the project is built for. This value is built from $${REMAKEN_OS}-$${REMAKEN_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN}, for instance linux-gcc.

PROJECTDEPLOYDIR: the full path to the package installation folder. Its default value is built from $${REMAKENDEPSFOLDER}/$${REMAKEN_TARGET_PLATFORM}/$${FRAMEWORK}/$${VERSION} (or $${REMAKENDEPSFOLDER}/$${REMAKEN_TARGET_PLATFORM}/$${INSTALLSUBDIR}/$${FRAMEWORK}/$${VERSION} when INSTALLSUBDIR is defined)

Using Buiddefs-qmake

Install Qt Creator


Packaging structure

Default behavior


Package tree

package_name-package_version_remakeninfo.txt (or libname ??)
remaken-package_name.pc (should be renamed to remaken-*.pc ?)

Package metadata

An information file is created in the target package. The file is named [TARGET]-[VERSION]_remakeninfo.txt

It contains the following informations :

  • platform : the supported compiler/platform version
  • cppstd : the c++ standard used
  • runtime : the runtime used (windows flag indicating whether the target uses the static or the dynamic runtime)

Dependencies declaration file

For each project, a packagedependencies.txt file can be created in the root project folder.

Each line follows the pattern :

framework#channel|version|library name [% condition1 [% condition2]]...|identifier@repository_type|repository_url|link_mode|options

where repository_type is a value in:

  • b-com
  • github
  • vcpkg
  • conan
  • system
  • path : local or network filesystem root path hosting the dependencies

Conditions separated with % are compilation defined flags (i.e. -DCOMPILFLAG) used to toggle the dependency. It allows to build the package with several features enabled or not, and uses the underlying dependencies only when the feature is set.

Conditions are set in the "library name" section, after the library name

link_mode is an optional value in :

  • static
  • shared
  • default (inherits the project's link mode)
  • na (not applicable)

When link_mode is not provided :

  • For remaken (b-com and github), system and vcpkg dependencies link_mode is set to "default"
  • For conan, link_mode is set to "na"

Conan note:

link_mode is mandatory if the targeted dependency needs the option. When link_mode is not provided or is set to na, it is not forwarded to conan, has some packages (typically header only libraries) don't define this option and setting the option leads to an error.

When repository_type is not specified :

  • it defaults to b-com when identifier is either remakenBuild or bcomBuild or thirdParties (and in this case, the identifier is also the destination subfolder where the dependencies are installed)
  • it defaults to system when identifier is one of yum, apt, pkgtool, pkgutil, brew, macports, pacman, choco, zypper

For other repository types (github, vcpkg, conan, system) when the identifier matches the repository type, the repository type reflects the identifier value - i.e. identifier = conan means repository_type is set to conan.

When identifier is not specified :

  • @repository_type is mandatory

When channel is not specified, it defaults to stable for conan dependencies.

For b-com and github repositories, channel can be a combination of values from the remaken packaging manifest. It is not used for other kind of repos.

Options are directly forwarded to the underlying repository tool.

Note :

To provide specific options to dedicated system packaging tools, use one line for each specific tool describing the dependency.

(once installed, system dependencies should not need specific options declarations during dependencies' parsing at project build stage. Hence the need for the below sample should be close to 0, except for packaging tools that build package upon install such as brew and macports and where build options can be provided).

For instance :

eigen|3.3.5|eigen|pkgtool@system|https://github.com/SolarFramework/binaries/releases/download|default|--S --noconfirm

Sample repositories declarations :

  • github, b-com and path dependencies are installed using remaken packaging format through an url or filesystem repository.
  • System dependencies are installed using operating system dependent package manager (apt for linux debian and derivatives, brew for Mac OS X, chocolatey for windows...)
  • Conan dependencies are installed using packaging format with conan package manager
  • Vcpkg dependencies are installed using vcpkg packaging format with vcpkg package manager


using system without any OS option implies the current system the tool is run on. Moreover, some OSes don't have a package manager, hence don't rely on system for android cross-compilation for instance.

Qmake informations

Common project structure

  • TARGET : defines the project name, usually final binary name
  • FRAMEWORK : defines a common package name for several libraries
  • INSTALLSUBDIR : defines an install subdirectory for package home directory
  • VERSION : defines version of the project

include template*.pri file (after TARGET, FRAMEWORK, INSTALLSUBDIR, VERSION declarations)

Define configuration

CONFIG defines how to build the current target :

  • [static | staticlib] builds the target as a static library/application
  • [shared | dll] builds the target as a static library/application

DEPENDENCIESCONFIG defines how to search and which dependencies to use :

  • [sharedlib | shared] search and use dependencies as shared libraries
  • [staticlib | static] search and use dependencies as static libraries
  • [recursive | recurse] search dependencies recursively from other remaken packagedependencies information files
  • [install] install first level shared dependencies with the target
  • [install_recurse] search dependencies recursively (see [recursive]) and install all shared dependencies with the target

Ignore dependencies install

To ignore some specific dependencies install, define a packageignoreinstall.txt file in the root project folder.

Define each framework ignored (as defined in packagedependencies.txt) with the pattern :

framework1 framework2



Use project with Qt Vs Tools

Qt Vs tools is a Visual Studio plugin for manage a qmake project in Visual Studio by generating a msvc project

Define project for use with Qt Vs Tools :


allows to enable debug and release configurations, install of the package, DEPENDENCIESCONFIG flags install or install_recurse in msvc project generated

To manage install or install_recurse with QTVS, include remaken_install_target.pri at the end od the .pro file

declare QTVS config before include template*.pri file

Product information

PRODUCT_COMPANY can de defined in local project file. defined to "bcom" by default

Defined in _ProductConfig.pri local project file

PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER	  		sample = b<>com
PRODUCT_GUID					example = 5855BF98-D32C-414C-BCA3-860BB8B4576E

PRODUCT_VERSIONCODE				hexadecimal based versioning
PRODUCT_VERSION					derived from project $${VERSION}
PRODUCT_VERSIONSTRING			derived from project "$${VERSION}"

Library Target


Application Target


Bundle/plugin Target


Audio plugins specific files/variables


_JuceConfig.pri local project file

Starts with _ProductConfig.pri inclusion

Declare which plugin format(s) to build

QMAKE_JUCEAUDIOCONFIG defines the audio plugin formats to be built (sample : juceAU juceVST juceAAX juceVST3) Supported values:

For each format declared in QMAKE_JUCEAUDIOCONFIG, the plugin category must be defined, for instance :

JUCEPLUGIN_CATEGORY.juceAU = kAudioUnitType_Effect
JUCEPLUGIN_CATEGORY.juceAUv3 = kAudioUnitType_Effect
JUCEPLUGIN_CATEGORY.juceVST = kPlugCategSpacializer
JUCEPLUGIN_CATEGORY.juceVST3 = kPlugCategSpacializer
JUCEPLUGIN_CATEGORY.juceAAX = AAX_ePlugInCategory_SoundField

The plugin code is a 4 digit code and must be defined