
The game of Hex implemented for reinforcement learning in the OpenAI gym framework. Optimized for rollout speed.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An OpenAI gym environment that allows an agent to play the game of Hex. The aim for this environment is to be lean and have fast rollouts, as well as, variable board size. With random actions it currently achieves ~340 games per second in a 11x11 grid (original size) on a single CPU (Intel Xenon E3-1230 @3.3GHz).

Hex is a two player game and needs to be converted into a "single agent environment" to fit into the gym framework. We achieve this by requiring a opponent_policy at creation time. Each move of the agent will be immediately followed by a move of the opponent. This is a function that takes as input a board state and outputs an action.


Get it from PyPi:

pip install minihex

Or as an editable installation (if you wish to tweak the environment):

git clone https://github.com/FirefoxMetzger/minihex.git
pip install -e minihex/

Minimal Working Example

import gym
import minihex

env = gym.make("hex-v0",

state, info = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
    board, player = state
    action = minihex.random_policy(board, player, info)
    state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)


if reward == -1:
    print("Player (Black) Lost")
elif reward == 1:
    print("Player (Black) Won")

Debug Mode

If the environment is instantiated with debug=True each step will check if a valid action is provided, and an IndexError will be raised if an invalid one is provided. This is very useful while writing agents, e.g., if the agent maintains it's own belief over the environment and may request invalid actions. When evaluating/running at scale, however, this check can cause significant slowdown. Hence, it is only performed if explicitly requested.


Currently the enviornment is missing the following features to go to version 1.0

  • The swap action that is used to mitigate the disadvantage of playing second.
  • RGB rendering mode
  • add environment to pypi
  • no surrender action

Bugs and Contributing

If you encounter problems, check the GitHub issue page or open a new issue there.