- 0
- 1
.NET Core 3.0+ PackageReference warning
#58 opened by vadi2 - 9
Exceptions when building Predicates are ignored
#62 opened by bcbeatty - 10
RelationalQueryFactory<DomainAI, AllergyIntoleranceQuery> AddValueFilter(string parameterName, ReferenceValue value), not called for ReferenceValues
#61 opened by bcbeatty - 2
System.NotSupportedException: Searching across multiple types is not supported. Thrown at Startup.
#55 opened by Kmanley1 - 11
Unable to search resource
#54 opened by only1sham - 0
- 1
FhirR4 Facade
#56 opened by charlejc - 2
Running the Facade in R4 mode results in NotImplementedException when querying for ressources
#51 opened by FloSeidel - 1
- 5