
Remote ejb-example with Wildfly and Maven

Primary LanguageJava


Example for EJB remoting

Author: Ebbo


This simply project demonstrates EJB with Wildfly 14.0.1.Final

NOTE: The used application server was 14.0.1.Final , the project will also run on newer versions of Wildfly. (Todo so please update the version in the pom.xml files)

Setup and Run Example

There are 2 projects in this repository. Server -> creates a ear file and can be deployed to Wildfly. Client -> talks to the server

EJB server

This is a maven project, which can be compiled as EJB JAR:

cd server
mvn clean compile package install

The resulting file target/ejb-remote-server.jar can then be deployed on a running Wildfly server by using the admin console. The command mvn install will install the package your local maven repository. This is needed for the client to run!

EJB Client

The client can be compiled and execuded by running: Note: Please run mvn install in the server folder before executing this!

cd client
mvn clean compile package exec:java

The exec call will result in an "Hello World" on the stdout.