Based on the MAC addresses registered at your Fritz!Box, this library will start or stop Motion, on your MotionEye system.
- The powerup/shutdown is the entire Motion/MotionEye services, not just pausing Motion
git clone this repository to your folder of likings.
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Ensure the file
is executable:
chmod +x
Run manually with ./
If you can, run it via /etc/init.d
or some other automated start-up script.
in your start-up script
Or, add it to your start-up scripts.
See the .service
file. Adjust the variables to what you need, and copy it to
Then run the following:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable fritzmotionhome
sudo systemctl start fritzmotionhome
Copy example.env
to .env
, and adjust the settings as needed.
Either configured in your .env
, or in a separate devices.json
in json format:
To enable MQTT reporting, add the information to your .env
file, like so:
Replace the values of mqtt with the IP of your MQTT host, and the topic with what you want the topic to be.
Should work. Logs are in /var/log/fbhome.log
To get an output while working in the console,
set the environment in your .env
to "dev"
Copy the file fbhome
to /etc/logrotate.d/fbhome
Test with the following command:
sudo logrotate -d /etc/logrotate.d/fbhome
You rock!
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