
a web service which can take an uploaded image and find any letters in it

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a web service which can take an uploaded image and find any letters in it


Run the following command to launch the web service:

docker-compose up

then open


Run the following command:

python manage.py test

The ocr test will evaluate the edit distance between the actual string and the string we get from image. If the edit distance is less than one-tenth of the actual string, we consider it an successful ocr.


  • pytesseract~=0.3.7: python wrap for tesseract, an OCR package written in C++

  • Pillow~=8.1.0

  • Django~=3.1.5

  • editdistance~=0.5.3: evaluate the edit distance between the actual string and the string we get from the image.

  • opencv-python: preprocess the image, perform a threshold to segment the foreground from the background,

    or apply a median blur to reduce noise.