Index, Show, New, Create Lab


  1. Build a RESTful index action
  2. Build a RESTful show action
  3. Build a RESTful new action
  4. Build a RESTful create action
  5. Link pages using route helpers
  6. Use route helpers in a redirect_to
  7. Build a new form with a form_tag


This will be a pretty extensive lab that will combine a number of the concepts that we have reviewed, including:

  • Drawing multiple route types

  • Integrating route helper methods

  • Building out a form and wiring it up to the create action

  • Linking pages together

In this lab, the application you will be starting out with will be completely blank. There are no models, views, controllers, et cetera. It has a number of RSpec and Capybara tests that will all need to pass to complete the lab. The tests can be found in the spec directory, in the models, features, and controllers sub-directories. Feel free to walk through the specs to see what behavior the application should have when you're done.

Note: Like many production applications, we've included the config/secrets.yml file in the .gitignore. This means that you are going to have to create your own config/secrets.yml file for the application to run. Don't worry- we've given you a template. Just rename config/secrets-template.yml to config/secrets.yml, and you should be able to get the application to run.

The application you will be building is a Coupon app. Below is a high-level overview of the features you'll be building out:

  • You will need to create a coupons table with coupon_code and store columns, which should both be of the string data type.

  • Your index page should show all of the coupons in the database.

  • The coupon codes on the index page should link to their corresponding coupon show page. You should use the link_to method and route helper methods instead of hard-coding an HTML <a> tag.

  • Your show page should render the specific coupon passed to the route. E.g., coupons/4 should show the coupon with an ID of 4.

  • The new.html.erb view template should render a form that uses the form_tag method.

  • The form should be wired up to the create action in the controller and, when submitted, should create a new record in the coupons table with the parameters passed through the form.

  • The controller should use the redirect_to helper method to redirect the user to the show page template for the newly-created coupon.


describe 'Route to view' do it 'has an index page' do visit coupons_path expect(page.status_code).to eq(200) end end

describe 'Multiple coupons are shown' do it 'on the index page' do Coupon.create(coupon_code: "ASD123", store: "Chipotle") Coupon.create(coupon_code: "XYZ098", store: "Jamba") visit coupons_path expect(page).to have_content(/Chipotle|Jamba/) end end

describe 'form page' do it 'form renders with the new action' do visit new_coupon_path expect(page).to have_content("Coupon Form") end

it 'new form submits content and renders form content' do visit new_coupon_path

fill_in 'coupon[coupon_code]', with: "YAYFREE"
fill_in 'coupon[store]', with: "Hobby Lobby"

click_on "Submit Coupon"

expect(page).to have_content("YAYFREE")


it 'creates a record in the database' do visit new_coupon_path

fill_in 'coupon[coupon_code]', with: "FREEITEM"
fill_in 'coupon[store]', with: "Quip"

click_on "Submit Coupon"

expect( eq("Quip")

end end

describe 'Show page' do before do @coupon = Coupon.create(coupon_code: "FREESTUFF", store: "Chipotle") end

it 'renders properly' do visit coupon_path(@coupon) expect(page.status_code).to eq(200) end

it 'renders the coupon code in a h1 tag' do visit coupon_path(@coupon) expect(page).to have_css("h1", text: "FREESTUFF") end

it 'renders the store name in a h1 tag' do visit coupon_path(@coupon) expect(page).to have_css("h1", text: "Chipotle") end end

describe 'linking from the index page to the show page' do it 'index page coupon code text is hyperlinked to coupon page' do linked_coupon = Coupon.create(coupon_code: "FREESTUFF", store: "Chipotle") visit coupons_path expect(page).to have_link(linked_coupon.coupon_code, href: coupon_path(linked_coupon)) end end