Primary LanguagePython

Code for reproducing experiment results of our paper


  1. Python 3.6.5
  2. Pytorch 0.4.1
  3. torchvision 0.2.1
  4. tqdm 4.26.0
  5. numpy, scipy

Model Evaluation is Done on Datasets:

Algorithm evaluation in our experiment section is done with dataset MNIST and FashionMNIST.

Classification Task Code is at Classification Repos

Usage Instruction:

  • Train model with:
$ python train.py <hparams> 

If hparams.Mixture.naive = True in configuration file , then GenMM is going to be trained. If hparams.naive is setting False, LatMM is going to be trained.

  • Training example:
python train.py hparams/LatMM/fashion-mnist5.json fashion-mnist directory_to_dataset

For generating samples and latent space interpolation, the directory path to a trained model (either GenMM or LatMM) should be specificed for Infer.pre_trained in configuration file . To generate samples or do latent space interpolation, run:

python infer_mix.py <hparams> <dataset_root> <mode>

For option , it can either be Generating or Interpolation.

Model implementation and evaluation:

For generator implementation in our GenMM and LatMM, the gnerators are implemented as flow-based models. The specific glow structure among flow models is used. The glow structure in glow-pytorch as pytorch implemention of paper "Glow: Generative Flow with Invertible 1×1 Convolutions" is adopted.

For implementation of our model/algorithm evaluation regarding different metrics, we use the generative model evaluation framework