
ninjamap pipeline in nextflow

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Sample scripts

The simple scripts shows how to run ninjamap jobs under the Nextflow framework.

Command line example for a single sample in local mode

nextflow run \
main-local.nf \
--reads1 's3://nextflow-pipelines/nf-ninjamap/data/read1.fastq.gz' \
--reads2 's3://nextflow-pipelines/nf-ninjamap/data/read2.fastq.gz' \
--db HCom2_20221117 \
--db_prefix HCom2 \
--output_path 's3://genomics-workflow-core/Results/Ninjamap/local' \
-profile docker

Test dataset

The test dataset is available in the data directory


An example of ninjaMap Index (HCom2) is available at


Run a ninjaMap docker container with a sorted BAM file (a sample aligned to the concatenated reference) and an HCom2 binmap file

docker container run \
    -v /host/path/to/indata/:/input_data/ \
    -v /host/path/to/outdata/:/output_data/ \
    fischbachlab/nf-ninjamap \
    python /work/scripts/ninjaMap_parallel_5.py \
    -bin /input_data/db/HCom2.ninjaIndex.binmap.csv \
    -bam /input_data/bam/sample.sortedByCoord.bam \
    -outdir /output_data/summary \
    -prefix HCom2

Seedfile example

Note that the seedfile is a CSV (comma-separated values) file with header

The format of the seedfile is sample_name,short_R1,short_R2


Example 1: aws batch job

aws batch submit-job \
  --job-name nf-ninjamap \
  --job-queue priority-maf-pipelines \
  --job-definition nextflow-production \
  --container-overrides command="fischbachlab/nf-ninjamap, \
"--seedfile", "s3://genomics-workflow-core/Results/ninjamap/example_seedfile.csv", \
"--db","SCv2_4_20210212", \
"--db_prefix", "SCv2_4", \
"--db_path", "s3://maf-versioned/ninjamap/Index", \
"--output_path", "s3://genomics-workflow-core/Results/Ninjamap/biohub" "

Example 2: aws batch job

aws batch submit-job \
    --job-name nf-ninjamap \
    --job-queue priority-maf-pipelines \
    --job-definition nextflow-production \
    --container-overrides command="fischbachlab/nf-ninjamap, \
"--seedfile", "s3://genomics-workflow-core/Results/Ninjamap/project/example.seedfile.csv", \
"--db","HCom2_20221117", \
"--db_prefix", "HCom2", \
"--db_path", "s3://maf-versioned/ninjamap/Index", \
"--output_path", "s3://genomics-workflow-core/Results/Ninjamap/HCom2/project" "

Example db path: (s3://maf-versioned/ninjamap/Index/)

Community users can supply the following URL if running the latest hCom2 index


Example 3: aws batch job against the latest HCom2 database using a seedfile

aws batch submit-job \
    --job-name nf-ninjamap \
    --job-queue priority-maf-pipelines \
    --job-definition nextflow-production \
    --container-overrides command="fischbachlab/nf-ninjamap, \
"--seedfile", "s3://genomics-workflow-core/Results/Ninjamap/20221018/seedfile2.csv", \
"--db","HCom2_20221117", \
"--db_prefix", "HCom2", \
"--db_path", "https://zenodo.org/record/7872423/files/hCom2_20221117.ninjaIndex.tar.gz", \
"--output_path", "s3://genomics-workflow-core/Results/Ninjamap/HCom2/20221018", \
"--sampleRate", "0.5" "

Example 4: aws batch job parameters can also be configured using the -params-file option. A copy of the params will be automatically saved to a json file (parameters.json) in the run output bucket.

aws batch submit-job \
    --job-name nf-ninjamap-MITI \
    --job-queue priority-maf-pipelines \
    --job-definition nextflow-production \
    --container-overrides command="fischbachlab/nf-ninjamap, \
    "-params-file", "s3://genomics-workflow-core/Results/Ninjamap/parameters/example_parameters.json" " 

A debug option is added to the ninjamap pipeline. The debug and coverage must be set to 1 at the same time. After enabling this debug option, it will output two sets of bam files in two folders ninjaMap/debug/singular and ninjaMap/debug/escrow, respectively. Note that the run time might be doubled if using the debug option.

  • Singular set: singular(primary) bam, index bai and region bed files for each strain.
  • Escrow set: escrow bam, index bai and region bed files for each strain.

Output files for each sample

The output files are organized into 4 folders.

bowtie2 folder

The alignment file of all input reads aligned the defined community database in the bam format

Logs folder

The running logs of various scripts

ninjaMap folder

  1. *.ninjaMap.abundance.csv: this file shows the statistics of the abundance, coverage and depth of each strain in the defined community
  • Strain_Name: strain name
  • Read_Fraction: the abundance in the defined community in percentage
  • Percent_Coverage: the average coverage per strain in percentage
  • Coverage_Depth: the average coverage depth

Sample abundance output

Strain_Name                                        Read_Fraction       Percent_Coverage  Coverage_Depth
Acidaminococcus-fermentans-DSM-20731-MAF-2         0.0                 0                 0
Acidaminococcus-sp-D21-MAF-2                       0.0                 0                 0
Adlercreutzia-equolifaciens-DSM-19450              0.0                 0                 0
Akkermansia-muciniphila-ATCC-BAA-835-MAF-2         6.521739130434782   0.0376527         0.0004
Alistipes-finegoldii-DSM-17242                     0.0                 0                 0
Alistipes-ihumii-AP11-MAF-2                        0.0                 0                 0
Alistipes-indistinctus-YIT-12060-DSM-22520-MAF-2   0.0                 0                 0
Alistipes-onderdonkii-DSM-19147-MAF-2              1.4492753623188406  0.00439328        0.0001
Alistipes-putredinis-DSM-17216-MAF-2               0.0                 0                 0
Alistipes-senegalensis-JC50-DSM-25460-MAF-2        0.0                 0                 0
Alistipes-shahii-WAL-8301-DSM-19121-MAF-2          0.0                 0                 0
Anaerofustis-stercorihominis-DSM-17244             0.0                 0                 0
Anaerostipes-caccae-DSM-14662-MAF-2                0.0                 0                 0
Anaerotruncus-colihominis-DSM-17241-MAF-2          0.0                 0                 0
Bacteroides-caccae-ATCC-43185-MAF-2                6.521739130434782   0.0387897         0.0004
Bacteroides-cellulosilyticus-DSM-14838-MAF-2       22.463768115942027  0.0529593         0.000599636
Bacteroides-coprocola-DSM-17136-MAF-2              2.898550724637681   0.0109683         9.75984e-05
  1. *.ninjaMap.read_stats.csv: this file shows the statistics of input reads
  • File_Name: sample name
  • Reads_Aligned: the number of aligned reads
  • Reads_wPerfect_Aln: the number of perfectly aligned reads
  • Reads_wSingular_Votes: the number of reads voted as singular
  • Reads_wEscrowed_Votes: the number of reads voted as escrow
  • Discarded_Reads_w_Perfect_Aln: the number of discarded perfectly aligned reads
  1. *.ninjaMap.strain_stats.csv: this file shows the various statistics of each strains

  2. *.ninjaMap.votes.csv.gz: the statistics of reads voting (singular or escrow)

Stats folder

  1. adapter_trimming_stats_per_ref.txt: this file shows the statistics of adapter trimming

  2. read_accounting.csv:

  • Sample_Name: sample name
  • Total_Fragments: the total number of input raw read pairs
  • Fragments_After_Trim: the number of read pairs after QC
  • Fragments_Aligned: the number of aligned read pairs

Aggregated output files for each study

The aggregated output files are organized into 6 files.

  1. *.covDepth.csv: this file shows the average coverage depth per strain by samples
  2. *.host_contaminants.csv: this file shows the detected host contaminants (Human or Mouse) by samples if the unalignment rate is over 5%
  3. *.long.csv: this is the long format of three files (*.readFraction.csv, *.covDepth.csv and *.percCoverage.csv)
  4. *.percCoverage.csv: this file shows the average coverage per strain in percentage by samples
  5. *.reads_stats.csv: this file shows the reads statistics in read numbers by samples
  6. *.readFraction.csv: this file shows the abundance in the defined community in percentage by samples