
Source code for turning your esp8266 into an wifi LED controller using UDP packets to communicate.

Primary LanguageC++

LED Controller over wifi (esp8266)


  • Solid color mode
  • Multiple patterns (most of them require an individually addressable led strip)
    • Utilizes patterns provided here
  • Pulsing mode (gradually turns on and off LEDs)


  • Adjustable brightness
  • Easily adjustable LED count
  • Auto connect to home WI-FI
  • Failsafe mode in case connection failed (creates it's own WI-FI)
  • Easily configurable WI-FI SSID and password using packets.
  • Adjustable frame rate for different patterns
  • Settings get saved on an onboard EEPROM


There are multiple commands that are understood by the controller.

  • "On" - Turns on LED strip
  • "Off" - Turns off the LED strip
  • "Rst" - Restarts the microcontroller
  • "Led:(amount)" - Sets the number of LEDs in an strip
  • "fps:(amount)" - Sets the framerate to be used for patterns
  • "ssid:(wifi name)" - Sets the wifi SSID to be used for connecting
  • "pass:(wifi pass)" - Sets the wifi password to be used for connecting
  • "pat:(pattern number)" - Sets the active pattern (solid color mode gets disabled)
  • "pal:(palette number)" - Sets the active color palette
  • "puls:(on/off)" - Toggles if LEDs should pulsate
  • "pSpeed:(speed)" - Sets the pulsating speed
  • "bright:(0-255)" - Globally sets the brightness (also sets max brightness for pulsing)
  • "minbright:(0-255)" - Sets min brightness pulse should reach before going back
  • "(0-255):(0-255):(0-255)" - Enable and set solid color for LEDs format - RED:GREEN:BLUE

Sending any packet to the controller will respond with "acknowledged" (used for finding the current IP of the controller and delay before sending additional commands)


  • Utilizes UDP packets to communicate
  • Utilizes the FastLED library for communicating with the LED strip
  • Utilizes ArduinoJSON library for saving the config
  • I have created an android app for sending commands to the controller.