
operate your aliyun domain record with python based script (and better with linux cron job)

Primary LanguagePython



  1. 确保你的路由器下有能够运行Python 2.7/3.x的广义计算机(电脑、NAS、可刷写openwrt或梅林等系统的路由器、甚至经过改动的手机等)

  2. 安装requirements.txt中需要的python库,建议使用 pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. 将config_sample.json复制到config.json,设定RR,域名,阿里云key和secret(从阿里云管理界面获取,建议使用ram账户降低风险)

  4. 运行 python ddns_update.py 或者 python3 ddns_update.py 检查执行效果,打完收工

  5. 建议使用linux cron服务来让脚本定时运行

  6. 建议使用python虚拟环境来管理该工程,避免该工程所需python库影响您的系统总体python环境

  7. 对原理感兴趣请参考我的博客基于阿里云API实现简单DDNS

  8. 脚本定时工作(假定10分钟一次)后日志文件大致如下

     [2019-09-29 10:40:02,184] Aliyun ip record of test.example.cn found -
     [2019-09-29 10:40:03,570] My public ip acquired -
     [2019-09-29 10:40:03,570] same ip - done exit   # 两IP一致,无需更新
     [2019-09-29 10:50:02,390] Aliyun ip record of test.example.cn found -
     [2019-09-29 10:50:03,189] My public ip acquired -
     [2019-09-29 10:50:03,190] same ip - done exit   # 两IP一致,无需更新
     [2019-09-29 11:00:02,413] Aliyun ip record of test.example.cn found -
     [2019-09-29 11:00:03,159] My public ip acquired - 333.333.333.333   # 本地公网IP变更(原因可能是光猫重启,可能是ISP强制更新),需对域名重设IP
     [2019-09-29 11:00:03,807] Aliyun ip record set done - {"RecordId":"1345678998764","RequestId":"22B56788-1094-4267-B537-24567890C"}
     [2019-09-29 11:00:03,808] done updated - exit   # 域名记录设置成功
     [2019-09-29 11:10:02,389] Aliyun ip record of test.example.cn found - 333.333.333.333
     [2019-09-29 11:10:05,432] My public ip acquired - 333.333.333.333
     [2019-09-29 11:10:05,432] same ip - done exit  # 两IP一致,无需更新
     [2019-09-29 11:20:02,142] Aliyun ip record of test.example.cn found - 333.333.333.333
     [2019-09-29 11:20:02,913] My public ip acquired - 333.333.333.333
     [2019-09-29 11:20:02,913] same ip - done exit