
Docker Images for portable libfranka execution

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Docker Images for portable libfranka execution for both franka_ros and franka_ros2.

Screenshot 2024-08-07 222542


The use of this repo requires Docker and the Docker Compose Plugin of minimum version 2. It is recommended to use Ubuntu as underlying operating system or at least a suitable WSL environment.


Get the repository with

git clone --recursive https://github.com/Fjakob/libfranka-docker.git

The libraries libfranka, franka_ros and franka_ros2 will be pulled as submodules upon cloning.

You might want to make sure to have the latest commit of all submodules by running

git submodule update --init --recursive


In the terminal, cd to the docker_launch_files directory. Dependent on whether you want to use franka_ros or franka_ros2, run either of the following

docker compose run franka_ros
docker compose run franka_ros2

or run

docker compose up

to start both containers.

To enable display mounting (e.g. for RVIZ or Gazebo), run

xhost +local:docker

on the host machine.


  • The workspace in the container mirrors the docker_volume directory in a respective docker volume, such that changes made in the container are also visible on your host machine
  • Using the VS Code Docker and Remote Development extension is recommended, to attach shells or VS code itself to the container.
  • Note that franka_ros2 is currently (08/2024) beta software and yet encounter issues.