
Peter Ulrich course on how to build and MVP with Elixir Phoenix Liveview

Primary LanguageElixir


To start your Phoenix server:

  • Run mix setup to install and setup dependencies
  • Run mis assets.deploy to prepare the assets for use
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server

This projects needs PSQL database. You can also use docker for that:

  • Run docker compose up -d to create and run a detached temporary DB.

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Testing billing

To test the a user buying an article, you need to:

  • docker compose up -d
  • mix phx.server
  • Run ngrok http 4000 in a different terminal window.
  • Go to LemonSqueezy Webhooks section (with test mode enabled) and copy the Ngrok URL into the webhook.
  • Sign up by creating an account.
  • Write an article using that account.
  • Go to localhost:4000/u/UserHandler where {UserHandler} is the handler for the user you just created. You can see/change the user handler in Settings.
  • Buy the article using card 4242424242424242. This is a test card. All other data is not relevant.
  • Once the purchase is complete check the email. If you used a fake email, check http://localhost:4000/dev/mailbox/.
  • Click the given link. You should be able to see the article.

Learn more

You can see the fully working webpage in cashblog.org.

About the course:

About the tools used:

About Phoenix:

To see emails received in test mode: